Hearing Aid Fitting Tailored to Suit You Perfectly
Hearing aid fitting is a very personal experience and requires skill to ensure you’re hearing to the best of your ability. The appointment will last approximately one hour.
We’ll program your new hearing system with specialised software. Each system is tailored specifically for your hearing loss, lifestyle and listening preferences. We use the latest and most comprehensive verification methods to ensure you’re receiving the best results possible from your new hearing aids.
We will take time to discuss and show you how the hearing aids work. We’ll show you how to change the batteries (if applicable), and take care to ensure you know how to clean and maintain them so they work to the best of their ability.
Most importantly, we take the time to ensure that you’re confident with the handling of the hearing aids. Making sure you’re comfortable before you embark on the journey of rediscovering hearing.
Hearing sounds again can be an exhilarating but sometimes strange experience. We’ll spend time discussing with you what to expect and your subsequent rehabilitation plan.
In the first month of your new hearing system we like to see you weekly to ensure you are acclimatising well. We’ll make any adjustments and ensure they’re meeting your lifestyle needs.
We take pride in your success and are experts in the science behind your hearing difficulties. Our ongoing aftercare means we will always be available to ensure you are getting the best from your new hearing aids.